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Compact bench-top solution for battery modules up to 900 mm

Compact bench-top solution for battery modules up to 900 mm


Test entire battery modules without the need to manually rotate the module mid-testing. A Sigma W12 with a custom slider work holder allows testing across the entire battery module. An ideal solution for R&D to test batteries that would not fit for a standard Sigma bench-top system.

Custom solution for heavy wire battery modules

An electric vehicle manufacturer in the United States approached xyztec to develop a bond tester to test heavy wire battery module interconnects. Their needs:

  • The use of a non-conductive pull hook for non-destruct and destruct wire pull testing as well as shear capability for these same wire bonds
  • Compact design for a reasonable price


Xyztec has extensive mechanical, electrical, and software engineering capabilities. We can create solutions for any bond testing requirement like this custom battery bond tester by joining forces. Using a Sigma W12 bond tester for 300 mm wafers as a baseline, we were able to develop this solution in less than 90 days.

Sliding work holder 

If a battery module is too large for complete testing on a bench-top Sigma or Sigma W12, xyztec develops a unique custom solution. This custom work holder uses a sliding mechanism to test the entire battery module without manually rotating the module during testing.

You can access all the bonds on your sample in one setup. The system is capable of destructive and non-destructive testing and comes with non-conductive tooling to minimize electrical shorts risks. There is specialty tooling design is available for pull test and shear tests.


Compact bench-top test solution

This bench-top system is compact and does not take up a lot of floor space. It comes with 2 heavy-duty stainless steel leg extensions to ensure stability and can support battery modules up to 35 kg. Easily control the stage motion through the software user interface.


Test volume up to 900 mm in X

The custom pneumatic stage extension increases the testable reach in X beyond the standard 600 mm to a maximum of 900 mm. By extending the machine body and mounting the RMU farther from the rest of the system, the Y-axis is now 370 mm, a 120% increase relative to a standard Sigma.

The stage extension doubles as the module work holder, enabling the user to fasten the sample during testing. Its unique pneumatic slide-action capability along the X-stage effectively creates 2 work areas. Switching between these areas can be done through our software during manual or automatic test modes. The operator can fully test battery modules using one or more look-down cameras to automate testing across the full module surface.


Differences between a Sigma and this custom solution

Revolving Measurement Unit (RMU) Maximum Force (kgF) 200 200
Rotational Shear Forces up to (kgF) 10 10
X-stage (mm) 370 900
Y-stage (mm) 168 370
Z-stage (mm) 168 120
axis speed (mm/s) 50 50
Linear Encoder Resolution on Zero-Backlash drives (nm) 30 30
Footprint X (mm) 620 1780
Footprint Y (mm) 558 935
Height (mm) 608 608
Weight (kg) 80 175
System Type (Bench-top or Floor-mounted) Bench-top Bench-top


Your module fits, too!

This work holder solution is just one example of our ability to generate custom solutions to meet unique customer requirements. If one of our existing test systems (i.e., Sigma or Sigma HF/L system) does not meet your specific battery module needs. Please reach out to your local xyztec representative to discuss your specific battery module testing requirements to learn more about which of our systems would best support your battery module bond testing requirements.



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Herbert Stuermann