

xyztec workshop at IMAPS UK

xyztec workshop at IMAPS UK

Workshop IMAPS UK

Last week, IMAPS-UK celebrated 50 Years since the foundation of ISHM (The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics), the forerunner to today’s IMAPS at the Royal Holloway University of London.

xyztec hosted Workshop

Xyztec hosted a half day Workshop “Science of bond testing”, by Bob Sykes. The workshop was highly appreciated and sold out. Xyztec exhibited at the show through its UK distributor PDP.

Continuing the events theme “MOORE THAN PACKAGING: 50 Years Gone; 50 Years on”, the Annual Conference will bring together experts from across the microelectronics sector to discuss the latest technologies and developments, as well as providing a platform to highlight current commercial opportunities.

xyztec's Bob Sykes and Volker Loibl-Kähler at IMAPS UK with distributor PDP


Workshop IMAPS UK

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