
xyztec bv

Sigma MAG 600x400 1

Xyztec faces any challenge

We have not been sitting still at Xyztec this year. We are always developing innovative solutions on customer demand. In 2019 we supplied an important customer with multiple..
Presentation Bangkok service training 2019

Xyztec spreads bond testing knowledge

One of our goals as a technology leader in bond testing is “global presence and local support”. The key to this success is to spread knowledge through our..

Search results in xyztec

Sigma MAG 600x400 1

Xyztec faces any challenge

We have not been sitting still at Xyztec this year. We are always developing innovative solutions on customer demand. In 2019 we supplied an important customer with multiple..
Presentation Bangkok service training 2019

Xyztec spreads bond testing knowledge

One of our goals as a technology leader in bond testing is “global presence and local support”. The key to this success is to spread knowledge through our..

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Tom Haley